Interjections | Master Grammar

interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling of the author. These words or phrases can stand alone, or be placed before or after a sentence. Examples- Ah!, Wow! etc. We use exclamation mark in Interjections.

Some more examples of words and sentences are:
Words: Bravo!, Phew!, Aha!, Hey!, Yay!, Nice!, Oops!, Well!, Really!, Alas!

Sentences: Hurray! We won the match.

                  Alas! I failed the exam.

                  Wow! What a beautiful car!

                Oh! I forgot to bring my purse!

                Ouch! It hurts!

                Eww! It tastes so bad!

                Yahoo! I got a job!

               Huh! I don't care!

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